i got to go to my first football game last night. i, of course, mean football in the world sense, not our American sense. d.c. united games are fun. i expect to attend more matches next year. i hope i can decipher and learn the words to the fight songs that the screamin' eagles never stop singing...
good...nay, great day outdoors today. ramblin' around the woods. watching people climb rocks. scrambling up 5.2 slabs in sneakers. enjoying the spectacular weather. shenanigan-ing (because tomfoolery was apparently against the rules, so says bubba).
oh my friend...make a note of going to a football game in europe when you get over there and then you will get the goosebumps of a real atmosphere....ahhhh. anyways i am waiting to buy season tickets until the rumours with Sheva, Zidane and fat Ronaldo come true. then you'll see my ass in a seat next to you.
oh, i will. i'm looking forward to hooliganism in its purest sense. maybe some jai alai in espana also.
there's no sitting in the screamin' eagles section!
now...now...if you want hooliganism go see the scousers at liverpool or wanks from man u, or some of the facists in the serie a, la liga, or in poland....but most of the hooliganism has died down now. its a touchy subject...hooliganism....yes it is. and you wonder why there is only bums in seats in england now. see the hillsborough disaster...not the only on but the most notable.
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